By visiting SleepyAcres's virtual store and accessing services, packages and information we provide, you understand and agree to the following terms and conditions as stated in this policy along with all terms and conditions in our Privacy Policy (found at the bottom of every webpage).

- All packages purchased are FINAL as all sold items are virtual/digital goods and not redeemable or usable in the real world. Due to this, we do not offer refunds or chargeback policies unless an exception is created under the agreement of the user and SleepyAcres' Administrative Staff.

- Attempts to bypass, abuse or break our refund/chargeback policy via filing chargeback cases with your credit card company can and will result in a permanent ban from SleepyAcres server.

- We are not responsible for any received items purchased by you or a third party that has lost the purchesed item due to any in-game experiences including but not limited to:

  • A server or playerdata reset.
  • A server punishment. Eg. Permanent Ban, Mute etc.
  • Getting killed or dying due to mobs or natural in-game circumstances. 
  • Updates and balances made by our Lead Developer that results in items being reworked and therefore removed.

- We have full access and control of perks, features, elements and contents of purchasable goods and packages in our store as well as in-game. Though it is unlikely to negatively impact purchased items, there is a possibility that features or items may be reworked, edited or removed if chosen by SleepyAcres' Administrative Staff.

- If SleepyAcres is ever to indefinitely shut down, refunds will not be available.

- You must be above the legal age of 18 or have permission from a parent/legal-guardian to make purchases or payments to our online store.

- We do not take liability for our online goods being sold by third party users.

- No information obtained by you from our online store or through any kind of third party should make any guarantee, warranty, conditions or any other agreement of any kind exccept those exclusively shown in these terms.

- Purchasing ANY virtual goods from our online store for someone else is not allowed unless they grant you personal and explicit permission to do so.

- You are resonsible for entering the correct username and any other required information for the package(s) that you will be/are purchasing. If you still manage to enter an incorrect username or crucial information, please create a ticket on our Discord and the issue will be resolved as soon as possible!